How COVID-19 Has Contributed to Motor Vehicle Deaths
COVID-19 has wreaked havoc on a global scale, claiming the lives of nearly 6 million individuals. The pandemic has also caused disruptions to work, school, and social opportunities. This increase in death, illness, and isolation has caused the American people to experience a dangerous combination of depression, frustration, and anger.
There has been a significant increase in aggressive driving since COVID-19 swept the nation. This resulted in a 17.5% increase in per capita vehicle deaths in just a two-year period.
The following informational article reveals the significant role that COVID-19 has played in this devastating increase in motor vehicle fatalities. We also examine how and why minority groups have been disproportionately affected by these deaths.
Motor Vehicle Deaths Continue to Rise
Motor vehicles became widely popular and available to middle class Americans in the 1920s. Automobile crashes involving vehicles and pedestrians were a common occurrence during these early years, with 23,000 deaths and 700,000 injuries in 1924 alone.
In 1966, the National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety was enacted. This legal measure helped create safer roadways with lower speed limits, increased traffic laws, and required automobile manufacturers to meet stricter safety standards. Motorized vehicles were also equipped with seatbelts and airbags, significantly reducing fatality rates.
Car crash occurrences continued to decrease from the 1960s until 2019 when COVID-19 swept the nation. Experts had hoped that stay-at-home orders would mean that fewer people would be on the roadways, resulting in fewer accidents and fatalities.
Unfortunately, COVID-19 has had the opposite effect and has been a major factor in a significant increase in motor vehicle accidents, injuries, and deaths.
COVID-19 Effects on The Public
COVID-19 resulted in stay home orders for many individuals and families. Staying indoors increased stress, frustration, and loneliness. This has resulted in an increase of illegal, careless, and erratic behaviors.
Motor vehicle crashes, violent crimes, commercial robberies, and other occurrences have increased significantly since the pandemic began. There has also been a significant increase in drug abuse, more specifically, opioid misuse.
Roadway Accidents Are Preventable
Increased aggression has become evident on roadways and is a major cause of fatal accidents. Angry drivers are more likely to speed, drive recklessly, and experience road rage.
These behaviors have led to many preventable motor vehicles accidents, resulting in injuries and deaths.
Causes of Covid-19 Roadway Accidents Include:
- Speeding
- Ignoring Traffic Signs
- Driving Under the Influence
- Distracted Driving
These injuries have resulted in broken bones, lacerations, serious head traumas, and the frighteningly high spike in roadway fatalities.
Minority Fatalities
African Americans and Native Americans have suffered more motor vehicle fatalities than any other groups. Low-income neighborhood areas are often burdened with poor roadway conditions, fewer sidewalks, and/or lack of crosswalks. There are also more pedestrians and those who do have vehicles often lack safety features.
Many of the people in these communities were also considered essential workers and could not work remotely. These individuals did not get to abide by the stay at home orders due to requirements and/or the financial need to work.
SteinLaw Fights for Motor Vehicle Accident Victims
SteinLaw Injury Lawyers urge Florida residents to drive sober, watch for pedestrians, and obey traffic laws to help prevent more of these tragic deaths from occurring.
The team at SteinLaw fights hard for their clients and their families to get them the compensation they deserve after an accident. SteinLaw has several offices throughout Florida to help meet their client needs.
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Contact SteinLaw today to schedule a free case evaluation.